How to use templates?

Sending guests messages couldn't be easier! ✉️

The templates feature will help you save time messaging all those leads that are piling in.

1. Log in to your HeadBox account and on the sub menu, select the templates tab. Here you will find the option to create and manage templated messages that you can send to leads. 


2. Once you have clicked + Create new template, you can give your template a name and populate the message template box with your wonderful message. Prefilled contact details can be changed to your preference.

Tip 💡

There is no limit to how many templates you can create. It’s worthwhile creating a few different templates that cater to different event types or, alternatively, explain the different packages you may offer (weddings, birthdays etc.).


3. When you create your templates they will all be collated in a list under the templates tab. This is also where you can come when you want to create more templates or edit the ones you already have.


Using your templates when picking a lead 👆

4. Now when you scroll through the Lead Feed and select a lead you can express your interest in the enquiry. You will also see the guests and event details on the left. 

On the right, you can now select your venue space and templates using the two drop-down menus. 



5. You will then see the text from your template appear in the message box. The template you select will determine what prefilled contact details appear for you.

Double check everything is correct, add any personalised details that need to be filled in and you're good to go! 👌

Send, send, send!


TIP: It’s all in the details!  💡

Don’t forget to leave space for personalisation! Placeholder information like Hi XX with the guest name leaves a great first impression if you really want to get that lead! 








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