If you're sending lots of messages, but find they are not converting into matches, here are some potential reasons why and how you change that.
If your pictures don’t showcase your venue in the best light, it may discourage leads from reading your message or matching with you. Keep in mind that 14 other venues could have excellent pictures in their inbox. Check our tips for taking good pictures here.
Message Content:
Messages that lack engagement, conciseness, or personalisation can lead a lead to decline your venue. Explore our tips for writing a good message here.
Messaging Time
We recommend keeping your messaging time under 24 hours – the quicker, the better, as older inquiries are less likely to convert. A lead can see 15 messages at a time, so taking too long might result in your message not being read.
Are the Leads Relevant to the Venue?
Ensure that your venue meets the majority of the requirements a lead needs, or there's a high chance they won’t match with you. For example, someone seeking a small meeting space in Liverpool Street will not match with a bar in Clapham.
Are You Being Proactive?
While we fully understand work can get very busy, especially if you are the only user on the Lead Feed, the Lead Feed is a proactive platform relying on venues regularly sending messages. The more messages you send, the more matches you'll get. Aim for 2-3 messages per day, utilizing your saved templates.
Questions or feedback? Get in touch