Welcome to the HeadBox community. To ensure that both Guests and Hosts get the most out of HeadBox, we have created these guidelines. Hosts who consistently follow these guidelines see more repeat bookings, recommendations and higher reviews.
Better response times
Don't make guests wait too long for a response. With our notification feature as soon as a Guest sends you a message, you will be notified by email. The quicker you respond to an enquiry, the better.
If a guest sends you a direct enquiry that doesn’t quite suit your venue, we recommend that you respond to let them know that on this occasion you won’t be able to host their event. Failing to respond or ignoring briefs that you can't service can reflect poorly on you as a host. Even if your space is not a good fit for a given event, it may be ideal for a future one - so avoid missing out on business further down the line and be sure to let the guest know why you can't service their brief.
Host Do’s and Dont’s
Maintain up-to-date contact details on your account so that guest and our Account Managers can easily contact you with any enquiries - avoid using the venues main reception line if possible.
Respond to enquiries from guests and Account Managers within 24 hours - the quicker you respond the more impressed a potential guest will be.
Offer easy to understand quotations and availability to any incoming enquiries.
Include your direct website link or contact details on updated HeadBox public profiles or in messages sent to Lead Feed enquiries.
Use poor quality photos - it's a fact that top quality photos will improve the traffic and popularity of your listing.
Questions or feedback? Get in touch